• If they made movie starring the Loch Ness Monster and the great white shark from Jaws, what would the movie be called?
Loch Jaws
• What happens when you cross a great white shark with a cow fish?
I don't know...but I wouldn't want to milk it!
• What happens when you cross a great white shark with a trumpet fish?
I don't know...but I wouldn't want to play it!
• What do you can the mushy stuff stuck between a great white's shark teeth?
Slow swimmers.
• If a shark is after you, what should your feed it?
• If you see a tuna being chased by a dozen sharks what time is it?
Twelve after one.
• What does a shark like to eat with peanut butter sandwiches?
• How do you shoot a blue shark?
With a blue shark spear gun.
• How do you shoot a great white shark?
Hold his nose until he turns blue and then you shoot him with a blue shark spear gun.
• Which sharks would you find at a construction site?
Hammerhead sharks.
• Which sharks do you find in heaven?
Angel sharks.
• What hobby does a shark like best?
Anything he can sink his teeth into.
• Who is the most famous shark writer?
William Sharkspeare